CTY Culture

The Sound of CTY

At a CTY Dance, there are certain songs that MUST be played to avoid a riot. These songs make up the CTY Canon. Also found on this page is info about the CTY CD and the lyrics to songs written by CTYers and performed at CTY.

The CTY Hall of Fame

Be it a frog, a squirrel, or guys in drag, some stunts CTYers have pulled deserve to go down in CTY history. Thus, the CTY Hall of Fame. Respect it! It's part of your heritage!

The CTY Purity Test

Have you ever.... taken the CTY Purity Test? For the first time, you can find out just how obsessed with CTY you are by taking this 242 question purity test. It comes complete with those nice check boxes.

On-line Poetry Reading

What is out behind Carlisle's Quad 10 during Meat Market? No, it is not PDA! It's a CTY Poetry Reading! Here you find poetry of CTYers.


Random comments and ramblings by CTYers on CTY. Includes the stages of CTY Withdraw, the Quest of a CTYer, and a number of other essays, messages, and poems. Many of these pieces have circulated around CTY mailing lists for a while.

Things We Like

There are bits of the outside world that are especially popular with CTYers. Some and, movies, and such play an important part in CTY culture. Click here for links to some popular CTY past times.

CTY Lexicon

Nomore. Sperm. Meat Market. There are certain words that you will here around a CTY campus. You may not know what they mean. Here is a brief Lexicon of words CTYers have made up, or use to mean something different...

The CTY Photo Archive

What CTY page is complete without a whole bunch of CTY Pictures? Here are a lot of mine, from 94-99, including reunion pictures. Also, a list of other CTY photo archives out there.

Cool CTY Links!

There are many other cool CTY pages! They come from all sites, sessions, and years, and have included lots of stuff I left out. Click here to delve further into the depths of CTY!

The Brazilian War Monkey Story

The inside joke from Malcolm, created by Rich Lee, and shown in it's entirety for the first time. Check it out! (NOTE: The Brazilian War Monkey is in no way related to the Ass Monkey.)

Oppress, Pedro, Oppress!

Written by Milo and Wolfgang during first session 1997 Woogie, this children's-book/parody-of-a-South-American-Dictatorship brings many laughs. Oppress, Pedro, Oppress! has truly won a place in our hearts.